Contract staffing

Travel with Nurse Hustle!

Nurse Hustle Recruitment is a full-service healthcare staffing agency specializing in the placement of experienced nursing and allied healthcare professionals on long and short-term contracts across the country.

Contract staffing is a hiring arrangement where individuals are hired only on terms specifically set out in a contract. It usually refers to a fixed-term or project-based, rather than permanent, hiring arrangement. In many cases, it is arranged by a third party staffing agency like us at Nurse Hustle!

We have access to thousands of contract positions waiting to be filled by you! We offer insurance and incredible benefits DAYS ONE! Reimbursements and so much more. Contact us today to build your profile and get your travel assignment today!

Get your travel buddy and setup a call with one of our recruiters so we can get you the biggest package and top pay for your next assignment! We take care of our own!