Permanent Placement

Let us Advocate for Top Pay!

Nurse Hustle Recruitment is a full-service healthcare staffing agency specializing in the placement of experienced nursing and allied healthcare professionals on long and short-term contracts across the country.

Nurse Hustle offers full-time direct hire recruiting services. We recruit qualified applicants to match our client's business needs and help job seekers find the best match for their skills. We also specialize in resume reviewing, interview coaching, and general career counseling.

When you choose us, you work smarter by directly working with hundreds of experienced recruiters across the nation. With our proprietary network and productive approach, we help you fill your roles faster.

We also guide you throughout your interview process to help you find the right candidate for your business needs. From gathering requirements, writing a job description, determining your best interview process to accessing various articles to prepare you for your next interview, we are your one-stop destination for your direct hiring needs.